You will find top earners online that are earning fifty or eighty thousand dollars a month and yet they fear competition. It is a terrible way to live. We fear no competition, we fear nothing in marketing. There are people that will try to intimidate you, but you do not have to live in fear. You can control what somebody tells you, you can walk away and not listen, a thought comes to your mind and you are in control, you can delete any thought you want. I will delete that thought and it is gone. You can put a thought in your mind as fast as you deleted something too.
Now here are some things that we use to go forward. Once you delete the thought, and it is very important to delete the thought, because if you do not delete it, it will just stay in your mind, it will come back again producing fear. One thing is that you also have to believe in yourself, you have to believe that whatever you are going to do can get done. Books like Think and Grow Rich point that out, you have to produce a thought and think and believe it is real for it to happen. Fear, false expectation appearing real in your mind is a false expectation of something that has not even happened...