If you’re looking for credit, be wary of some ‘gold’ or ‘platinum’ card offers promising to get you credit cards or improve your credit rating.
While sounding like general-purpose credit cards, some ‘gold’ or ‘platinum’ cards permit you to buy merchandise only from specialized catalogues. Marketers of these credit cards often promise that by participating in their credit programs, you will be able to get major credit cards (such as an unsecured Visa or MasterCard), lines of credit from national specialty and department stores, better credit reports, and other financial benefits.
Rarely, however, can you improve your credit rating or get major credit cards by buying ‘gold’ or ‘platinum’ credit cards. Often the only major credit card you might get is a secured credit card that requires a substantial security deposit with a bank. In addition, many of these credit-card companies do not report to credit bureaus as they promise, and their cards seldom help secure lines of credit with other creditors.
Such ‘gold’ and ‘platinum’ credit-card offers usually are...