Should you make the switch to all-natural make-up? There are plenty of companies, advertisements, and experts who could probably give you a very convincing argument either way. Dr. Roberta Palestine, who did her residency at the Mayo Clinic in dermatology stated, Natural isnt always better. Synthetic isnt necessarily worse. Poison Ivy is natural, but that certainly doesnt make it gooda chemical is a chemical, what matters is your skin type. There are certainly a lot of skin types out there, and you can bet for every type theres a number of make-up products for that particular kind.
Women who suffer from allergies and have been limited on their choices in make-up now have more options as more companies come out with products that are gentle on the skin and hypoallergenic. It should be noted that hypoallergenic has no medical definition, as it is yet to be determined what ingredients reduce allergens. So are natural make-up products all that they are cracked-up to be? A quick look at the ingredients list will tell the consumer what the main ingredients are on a product because they are listed in order of volume ratio. Often times, the ingredients will be listed on the...