If you have a credit card and pay an annual fee for the privilege, then perhaps you are paying too much for your card. Although there are some cards that give you a lot of benefits and so an annual fee is worthwhile, for most everyday cards there is no need to pay an annual fee. If you want to know if you should pay an annual fee or not, then here are some tips about credit card annual fees.
New card fees
If you are looking for a new card, then there is really no need for you to have to pay an annual fee. Although some cards offer many benefits, there is usually an alternative card that offers no fee. Most card companies have moved away from charging annual fees to new customers because they know that it makes their card unattractive. If you are a new customer then steer clear of cards with an annual fee.
Existing customers
Most people who are paying an annual fee started out on a credit card that charged no annual fee. However, credit card companies cannot offer you the incredible introductory rates forever, and may end up charging you an annual fee after a while. If this happens you need to think about whether you want to pay the fee and stick with...