Anyone who’s been in a long term relationship will tell you there are rough periods, and most people, when theyre honest, will admit to doubts along the way. But sometimes we dont know how to assess, Just how bad is it? Here’s a list of symptoms that suggest a relationship is in trouble. The more symptoms you think are true for you and/or your partner, the more likely your relationship is in need of some help. If you have three to five checked off, you probably need a tune-up. More than five, its time to consider more serious therapy, either alone or with your partner, or in some cases, both.
Below this list is another one, Signs of Severe Relationship Problems.
You feel worse around your partner than you do when youre on your own.
Your self-esteem has plummeted since youve been together.
Either you or your partner, or both of you, are dishonest with each other.
You often feel hurt by how you are treated by your partner, instead of feeling good while being together.
You complain frequently about your relationship to others.
One or both of you have become frequently critical of each other.
You are unable to...