From weddings to “girls’ weekends,” book clubs and block parties, the good news is that more and more people are making time to gather with family and friends to share special occasions and everyday events. Being there, however, is only half the fun. The desire to share these memories has given rise to all sorts of new hobbies from scrapbooking to photo swapping. Before your next gathering, consider these simple tips to help you transform that event from a memorable afternoon or evening to a lifetime memory:
1. Don’t be shutter-shy. Move close and frame your subject(s) tightly. Snap several photos at a time from various angles and delete missteps as you go to keep memory space free for more shots. Take a few minutes to crop pictures, remove red eye and even try turning a few color shots to black and white. You can most likely accomplish these steps using the software that came with your home computer or via an online photo service.
2. Never do tomorrow, what you can do today. Upload photos from your camera often. Memory card readers make it easy and fast to get pictures out of your camera and onto your computer. Head to an electronics...