Are you stressed out? Could you use a break? If I gave you a nickel for every time you heard the word Moooommmmmyyyy – would you be rich? Well, we have all been there! With babies, toddlers and older children to care for along with cooking meals, paying bills, cleaning and playing taxi, finding time for yourself may seem impossible and when you do find a few quiet minutes, many of us are at a loss for what to do.
Taking time out to recharge your batteries is just what you need. So, what’s stopping you? Leave your chores behind, just for a little while, and give yourself permission to take a much needed time-out.
Here are just a few of my favorite Stress-Busters:
Put yourself in time out: Allow some alone time for yourself. Use this time to focus on you. Find a place in your home that you can go to and find privacy. You can ask your partner or a friend to take the family out for a few hours while you enjoy your alone time. Do nothing, sleep, read, watch a movie, and just enjoy your solitude.
Talk to a friend: When you are feeling stressed, lean on a good friend. Sit down and enjoy a good conversation, a cup of coffee or a girls day out...