Public speaking ranks right up there in terms of the things we are afraid to do. Whether its the fear of being watched closely by others, or the insecurity and self-conscious feeling of slipping up during the presentation, these six tips will help you give a polished, professional speech that you (and your audience) can be proud of!
1. Know your audience. This is the single best piece of advice for delivering a presentation. What are there interests? Their backgrounds? Why are they coming to hear you speak? What ideas do you have to share with them? Approaching your speech as more of a me-to-you discussion rather than a full-blown broadcast makes it less stressful.
2. What do you want your audience to do as a result of your speech? Whats really at the heart of your presentation? By concentrating on the end result rather than slogging through the beginning, you create a powerful punch that drives home your message instead of rambling on.
3. Share a story. In public speaking circles, this is called a hook something that gets your audiences attention and makes them sit up and listen. Start off by asking questions or sharing an experience you had. People...