Each dollhouse is its own unique creation. No dollhouse will be exactly like another, nor should it be. Nevertheless, there are certain steps to the process that, if followed, will help each dollhouse to become a harmonious and balanced whole. Of course, rules are made to be broken, so any of these tips may not apply to your particular design. Just be aware of the purpose behind these guidelines. That will ensure that your unique ideas work in harmony with the principles of balance and design.
1. Be aware of the purpose and function of the dollhouse.
Before you ever begin dollhouse construction or even planning, it is important to make an overall assessment of the project. Who will own the dollhouse? Will it be a toy or a display item? Where will the dollhouse be located? How much space is available for its display? What are the interests of the dollhouse owner and how will these interests be incorporated into the design? What will the style and era of the dollhouse be? If the style is eclectic, what overall theme will tie the individual rooms together? Be sure that you narrow the focus of the project before you begin.
2. Determine the structure and style...