Six Things You Should Know Before You Buy A Coil Binding Machine
Spiral coil binding is one of the most popular binding styles available on the market. The flexibility that it offers along with the huge number of colors that are offered in coil binding supplies make it a favorite binding style for all types of organizations. Perhaps you have seen coil binding somewhere in the workplace and are considering it for your organization. More than likely, it will be an excellent choice for your needs. However, here are six things that you really need to know before you rush out and buy a coil binding machine.
1. Although coil binding supplies come in diameters up to 50mm for books that are as thick as 2″ spiral coil binding documents that are larger than 1″ can be very difficult. Binding books with large size coil is somewhat like trying to put a slinky on the edge of a book. In addition to the coil being very large and difficult to handle, the spine of the book will also have to be curved so that the path for the coil is rounded to match the diameter of the coil. This can be pretty tricky and very time consuming if you don’t have special tools for...