Building trust and confidence in your buyer is very important if you are going to make that sale online. Here are some great ideas that will add a great deal of confidence in your site.
— Who are you?
Give as much information as you can regarding who you are. How long you have been in business? If you can provide a picture and short autobiographical sketch of yourself…especially details that relate to your online qualifications and credentials.
— How do I contact you?
Do you have a brick-and-mortar operation ? If so, let’s see a picture of the building together with it’s exact mailing address, fax number, phone number, and e-mail address. If you have staff members, include them in the picture.
— How will you use my information?
What is your privacy statement regarding my personal information ? How will you use the information that I provide you as a customer?
Give them some assurance on your “Privacy Page” that their information is safe with your company…that it will never be shared with others for any reason.
— Is my transaction online safe?
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