Skydiving is considered to be a very extreme sport, yet a lot of people nowadays are becoming very inclined to it. As time passes, more daredevils come into being and get hooked on this breathtaking sport.
However, due to the danger coupled with this sport, a lot of people that have not tried it may have some misconceptions about it. This is very much true especially regarding the issue of malfunction in the activity. To serve as a guide to those who want to try out this sport, yet are having doubts of doing so, here is an overview about parachutes and malfunction issues.
All Hope Is Lost For You
This is probably the myth that a lot of people are scared of happening and is the one that hampers them from trying out the sport. For most people who havent tried out this sport, they would likely think that once their parachute would fail to open or inflate, then are in big trouble and somewhat feel that they are at the moment screwed beyond no doubt.
If youre in mid-air 25,000 ft high, falling with the pull of gravity, feeling the wind rush on your face and something like this happens, you would definitely be scared to death. However, it is important that...