There is a good question everybody asks: how many hours of sleep are required to feel well? The answers may alter. According to the statistics people require from seven to nine hours to be in shape. However there are people that state that they feel exhausted and worn out even after a nine-hour sleep. On the contrary we have individuals who may be quite content with a three-hour sleep. These variations are explained as difference in the genetic codes. To prove that the older the nation gets the less it sleeps, scientists held a simple test. They compared the average length of sleep in the nineteenth century with the length in twentieth. The result showed that the duration of sleep has been 20% reduced. Modern society now sleeps half an hour less than it used to do two hundred years ago. Technical innovations that are destined to make our lives easier make us stressed out and take time from us. There is no living human that does not like sleeping. Sleep is extremely good for the immune system and for the state of the body in general. There was a good rule in my family when I was a little kid. When someone was sound asleep, nobody had a right to wake him/her up, unless there was...
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