When I was in high school, I attended the only high school our town had. A one-high school town, our school was home to every 14-18 year old in residence. My senior year, there were about 250 of us graduating. I thought that was a lot; but I still at least knew everyones name, even if I wasnt friends with them all. Looking back, our school wasnt that big compared to some; the name of every person in my graduating class fit on the back of the Prom T-shirt! I never thought of my school as small; it seemed big to my small-town eyes. With approximately 1,000 students, our campus had 4 classroom wings (a 5th one was added in my junior year), a music building, a gym, library, office, cafeteria, weight room, tennis courts, football fields, and baseball diamonds. We even had a barn, for the FFA kids (Future Farmers of America) and their livestock. This was my world, and one which I quite honestly wanted to get out of as soon as possible. While the size of our school was really on the small side, it was big to us; but I guess its all relative to our own experiences.
These days (I only graduated about 15 years ago, thank you very much), Indianapolis Schools have grown. Even my old...