When the PSP was first unveiled to the public, it looked amazing. The PSP was supposed to take portable gaming to an entirely new level, and Sony does seem to be achieving that. The obstacle against the PSP was not the design or games, but the fact that hand held gaming has always taken a back seat to actual full sized counsoles is what the PSPs, and Sonys, biggest obstacle were. The hand held gaming has always been the third cousin of game systemshes family, but not in the main group. Yet despite this, the Sony PSP has not only survived: but thrived.
The PSP has a system for graphics and games that is unparalleled among all hand held systems. It is designed to be a 3D system just as the past PlayStation systems were. When this was first released, Nintendo released their hand held system at the same time, and since appearance makes first impressions, the PSP looked fantastic right off the bat and made itself the hand held system every gamer wanted. On top of that, the PSPs advanced graphic technology is completely head and shoulders above every other competitor that has come out. The wide screen format of the screen also looks fantastic, especially in games that...