Premiering in Fall 2001, Smallville centers around the life of a young Clark Kent in the years that lead up to his transformation into the Metropolis savior and hero Superman. After a number of TV versions of the superman’s life since the comic book character first appeared, Smallville manages to set itself apart from the rest of the field by focusing on the earliest year’s of Clark Kent’s life. With a rock solid cast and stellar writing, the series is one of the more popular shows on television today, establishing itself as one of the WB network’s most profitable and beloved programs ever
The Smallville (Season 3) DVD offers a number of exciting episodes including the season premiere “Exile” in which Clark Kent engages in a massive crime spree in the Metropolis (having been transformed by the effects of red kryptonite). Meanwhile, Lex Luthor must grapple with his own conscience while secluded on an island, and Jonathan Kent frantically searches for Clark, going to great lengths to obtain the power necessary to end the ill effects of the red kryptonite Other notable episodes from Season 3 include “Magnetic” in which a...