Does anyone in your family have a snoring problem?
I have finally found a cure. About two years ago I started to snore. It got to the point that my soul mate, wife and lover of over 36 years had to leave the room and sleep on the couch. I also had sleep apnea. I would stop breathing and my wife stayed awake to make sure I would start breathing again. In summary she wasnt getting much sleep at night, and I wasnt getting much quality sleep either. Either Gila (my wife) was shaking me to get me to breath or I was waking myself up with the noise.
Finally about a year ago I went to the local sleep clinic. Their conclusion was I was a borderline candidate for the positive air pressure masks one wears at night to cure the condition. My wife said NO to that idea, as the noise from the machine would be as bad as my snoring. About a year after my visit to the sleep clinic I saw an ad on the internet by accident. It talked about a devise called a Snore Guard. I called the doctor at the sleep clinic and asked why he never mentioned this possible solution last year. He said he didnt bring it up because most dental insurance plans dont pay for it. It was apparent...