Affiliate marketing is greatly promoted on the internet as the answer to new found wealth. When in reality almost ninety percent that join up as an affiliate earn less than a hundred dollars a month. The Affiliate marketer isn’t hurting though because everything they offered was geared to make sure they always win. It’s best to remember that the ninety percent who are receiving little value financially are the financial life blood of the marketer. They purposely design their website “squeeze” page to lure the gullible into believing in the dream of making lots of easy money. Offering free this and free that to help make the small investment required seem like a real deal. Now in all fairness there is the ten percent that achieve that higher income. However they succeed because they know it’s a highly competitive arena and understand what internet marketing practices it takes to succeed.
Many times the more successful affiliate marketers offer a free website as part of their road to wealth package. Oh, they keep their word all right. They will provide easy access to getting a domain name, web hosting, and the installation of the free...