You wake up one morning with a really BAD idea you have decided to start making your living by becoming a futures day trader. BUT how can this be such a bad idea, dont people get rich day trading futures? Where did that idea come from? Did you see one of those work for 10 minutes a day and make $4200, get rich quick never lose hype system ads? Or did you visit a chatroom, and the resident guru made it all sound so easy? Maybe, the title of this article should have been How To Die A Painful Death Chasing A Carrot.
Get real. IF systems like that really were available, or if day trading really was that easy, wouldnt everyone be a rich day trader instead of being a statistic in the 90 percent of all day traders fail club? IF you cant be truly realistic regarding this, truly believing and understanding the odds against you THEN you do not have a chance. You would really be best off giving up on this idea about day trading, and save yourself a lot of pain and money.
Over the last nine years, I have known and worked with many traders, and over this time have seen the unrealistic expectations, and problems with their approach towards trading, where people who...