So, you want to work in the IT industry? Great, good choice, salaries can become very high as you work your way up through the ranks. When you have 5 or more years in the industry you will be much sought after for your sage-like knowledge and razor-sharp skills. But, right now you need to concentrate on some of the crucial questions about which sector of the IT industry to target, what type of training to undertake, and what else you could be doing to make yourself a desirable package to a potential employer.
Let’s run through a few bullet points that are the main ingredients of the answer to my first question:
Be honest, is IT really what you want to do, what inspires you and what you feel is your natural ‘home’, or is it a fad you picked up from someone else?
Are you excited about the challenges of working through complex, repetitive, problems with few reference points and little support?
Do you feel ‘at home’ sat in front of a computer using applications, or are you more comfortable connecting computers and peripherals together, and configuring operating systems and applications?
Are you inspired by the thought of...