Addiction of any sort is debilitating for the addict and very upsetting for the family and friends. Besides the risk to the addict, there are other even more far-reaching effects of cocaine addiction.
Cocaine addiction makes the addict behave in ways that can cause confusion and upset for those around him. His responsibility level drops significantly and he becomes very unreliable and is usually not very pleasant to have around due to his unpredictable behavior.
One’s possessions can start going missing as the addict needs to “feed” his habit and this takes money. You have to pay to continue with your drug addiction. Many addicts turn to stealing or selling their bodies. These are the potential long-term effects of being an addict.
If they are still at school, their grades start to plummet and this opens the door to the school system enforcing further addictive drugs on them. The problem just worsens. If they’re working, their lessened responsibility makes them a liability in the work place and they very often lose their jobs.
These are the social consequences but what of the consequences for the family? Many families are...