Everyone is afraid of something. This most fundamental, critical rule of human existence may be among the oldest reasons for the human need to socially interact. To a certain extent, it is arguable that all society is based on the foundation that we are playing off each other’s fears. However, while it is normal for everyone to have fears, not everyone has a phobia. The phobia, which is essentially an unreasonable fear that is firmly rooted in a person’s psychology, can sometimes be difficult to spot. In general, they don’t so much affect a person’s social and professional standing as other disorders might. Yet, there are some people that must deal with the prospect of having to face a phobia at work on a daily basis.
While the so-called fear of work has yet to actually be recognized by any concrete authority in the field of psychology, there are some genuine fears that can be found within the office environment. The most prominent and most crippling of these might be the fear of social interaction. Regardless of how ridiculous it might sound, the fear of interacting with other human beings on any basis regular or otherwise is something that is...