Many students and faculty receive software discounts and savings from the particular purchasing program their college or university program has purchased a license for. These deep discounts are made because the software manufacturers understand that colleges and universities need to have the latest software to stay competitive with the learning curve required in business applications and software in the real world.
The software discounts and savings can be seen if a price comparison is done between the regular prices offered to the general public and the software discounts that are given to students, and further savings offered to educators and college institutions.
The price differences shown at one academic software retailer showed that the academic savings were $132.95. When you add those savings up to a college that has over 3000 students, then you can really see the savings! If the college had to purchase the same software at the commercial price, the software would have cost them $579.95. A single academic copy would cost $199.95, with the academic site license priced at $67.00 per license.
To be eligible to receive such software discounts and...