When a change agent is overseeing multiple projects at the same time, hell need software to free him from the tasks of inputting data manually. In a large company where there are hundreds of players and conflicting issues to manage, software is a necessary evil.
Since the era of globalization is upon us, we need to adapt to changing technologies. An essential factor to consider is to weigh the pros and cons of software programs, bearing in mind that most people dont really use all of a softwares features and capabilities. The fundamentals must be addressed: does it serve our purpose, how will it increase productivity, is it user-friendly, how steep is the learning curve, and how quickly does it spew out critical information?
Dont Say No Right Away
If youre a project person, there are project management software programs that you could look into. Common features of project management software are:
critical path calculation
information (roles, assignments, history of project activities, workload, warning signals
Other software programs are much more sophisticated and industry-focused and therefore have additional...