To be a successful largemouth bass fisherman, you need to know a little about the type of fish that you are fishing for. You can tell a largemouth bass by the distinctive jagged edged stripes on either side of the fish created by a series of dark spots. The largemouth bass can also be all black in color. Another distinctive characteristic of the largemouth bass is that the upper jaw reaches past the back of the eye.
The diet of the largemouth bass changes throughout its lifespan. Filling up on plankton and insects as young juvenile fish, as it gets older it moves to smaller fish and then eventually birds and small mammals such as rats and mice in adulthood. Using sight, smell and hearing senses, they seize their prey under the cover of brush, grass or drop offs. The main sense that the largemouth bass uses is his sight.
Some of the best largemouth bass fishing can probably done in spawning beds. In shallow waters with average temperatures between 64 and 74 degrees such as small lakes and ponds are where the largemouth bass spawn. Inside the shallow depressions made by the male bass, up to one million eggs can be laid by the female during a single spawning season....