Do spam filters work? Even though it is estimated that 90 billion spam emails are sent worldwide every day the use of spam filters is still questioned.
The term spam filter can also be known as anti-spam software. This piece of software analysiss your incoming email and uses a number of rules to decide whether the mail that you are receiving is legitimate email or not. So in answer to whether spam filters work or not the answer is yes. The extent as to how good they work depends on the spam filter that you have chosen. Some spam filters work better than others.
A decent spam filter will block about 99% of spam through filtering buzz words that refer to adult content and medical supplies, which are mainly based on weight loss supplements. As well as filtering words based on a blacklist, a spam filter will also block explicit images.
Another feature of most spam filters is to scan for viruses. This is done on both inbound and outbound messages. Any viruses that are found are then blocked straight away. This feature is especially important to business owners whose reputation could be at risk if viruses are spread through to clients through messages that are in...