Many people enjoy Thai food worldwide: spicy soups and salads, flavorful rice dishes are abundant. But in Thailand, fried or roasted insects and scorpions are also popular, readily available, and inexpensive.
Insects have traditionally been a rich source of protein, calories, vitamins, and minerals in the Northern Thailand diet. They are also prized as delicacies. In fact, it is unusual to find an insect which is not eaten in one form or another by local people. Among the most popular are:
cicadas, locusts, mantises, crickets, and grasshoppers which are all deep fried and are rather crunchy;
bamboo worms, which are also deep fried;
giant water bugs, which are steamed; they are also ground into a paste with chili and eaten with sticky rice;
weaver ants (red ants with a painful bite) and their eggs; sticky rice is dipped into a mixture of ants, eggs, and chili;
dung beetles; which add a wholesome flavor to curries; however, many people will not eat them because they live in and on excrement.
In addition, Thai people will eat
the pupae of silk moths and other moths and butterflies; you must first remove the pupae from...