The trick is picking one that meets your needs. You should think about refinancing only when the current interest rates are lower. You get the same loan at a cheaper rate. Thus you get an opportunity to save more money per month and for a long period of time.
1. Look for lenders who have specific plan targeted towards for your need. Your specific loan requirement may not match with their existing loan plans and if the company can sketch out a specific plan for you, you should consider them.
2. Look for customer support: Every refinance company claims excellent customer support. Examine it yourself. You can also get feedback from the existing customers.
3. Look for interest rates offered: They should be competitive. Even if the rates are competitive or comparable with the market rate, you should negotiate for a better rate. You may not get any direct benefit from negotiation but you will come to know how the lenders deal with their customers.
4. Look for honesty: Many lenders charge you more interest than due especially if you have a low credit score. It is better to get your credit report so that you can negotiate with the full facts to hand....