No question big decisions are what determine the direction of our life, and, as such, they deserve maximum attention and commitment once taken. However, this evident truth should not bring us into the mistake of caring too little about the small decisions. I refer in particular to those small decisions that we repeat very often in a mostly automatic way, and so form our habits.
If a decision is small but is systematically repeated, the idea that it is small is in fact an illusion. If the result we get is the sum of all our decisions and actions, small but repeated decisions take their part too. For example, if you have the habit to procrastinate, and replace it with the habit to do first the things that you dislike most, this is likely to have a major impact on your life.
Moreover, bad habits often regard “small” weaknesses that we have. We believe we get more results by pressing on our points of strength than by working on our weaknesses, and this is another reason why we are likely to give little importance to some habits. That belief is true in most cases, in my opinion. However, there are also instances (and I am sure you know which ones are for...