Hurricanes in south Florida can end lives, and survivors usually find their homes severely damaged, if not destroyed. It is crucial to have home owner insurance in south Florida.
Since south Florida is such a high-risk part of the state to insure, you should take certain steps to help protect your home against hurricanes before you start shopping for your home owner insurance quote. Pay close attention to these five areas of your home.
Your Garage
According to the Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, 80 percent of damage done to your home by hurricanes starts with your garage. Garage doors are normally lightweight, which makes it easy for high hurricane winds to whip right through them. You can economically reinforce your garage door with steel, or opt to purchase a heavier, sturdier garage door.
Your Roof
As with garages, you can cheaply reinforce your roof my adding extra glue to the shingles think high-quality flooring bonding agent and you can also spend a bit more money by replacing your current roof with a newer, more wind-resistant one.
Your Windows
When it comes to your windows, youre either going to want to replace them...