An advance in spam blocking is another really good reason to take list building seriously.
The status quo in list building had been to lease a list and flood thousands of inboxes with your message. This cold call approach may result in some sales, but more often it results in angry recipients who reported your email marketing effort as spam.
As spam blockers became more prominent in almost every email system this approach to email marketing has often implode on itself.
The email marketing message itself may have been solid and even useful. The intent may not have been to spam. In fact, I believe there are some well-meaning online businesses that simply view mass email marketing campaigns in the same way they might have in direct mail for a brick and mortar counterpart.
The problem is with spam blockers most of these messages are never making it to their intended recipient. In essence the use of a leased list is a bit like flushing money down a commode.
Spam blocking software makes it more important than ever for online businesses to ensure recipients the only emails they will receive are the ones that they either ask for or are designed to...