Almost everyone who accesses the Internet and uses e-mail knows about spam. The common definition of spam is e-mail that is unsolicited, undesired by the recipient. Spam is sent out by automated programs to thousands or millions email addresses at a time. In most cases spam emails offer you different services, products (medicines, goods, software programs etc.), and get rich quickly plans. You can simply delete them if you receive several unsolicited emails per day. But if you get tens or hundreds spam messages every day, it is a real problem. In order to understand how to deal with spam in your inbox, lets examine some core questions concerning spam:
Why send spam?
The right answer is to make money. If you have never opened a spam message, you should not think that others dont do it either. Among thousands or millions people who receive spam you can always find one or several persons who actually purchase services or products the spammers advertise, or join the get rich schemes the spammers offer. Of course, they lose and the spammer wins.
How do spammers obtain email addresses?
Spammers use special software programs that search websites, forums,...