You might be surprise but German characteristics existing today among business professionals is such a major component since there are a lot of countries interested to become partners German business establishments. If you or your company have been eyeing a German company to become one of your business partners, it would be just smart to adjust to their customary way of greeting and conversing with other business partners. After all, Germany is one leading trading partner for many countries existing today.
What you need to do is to make sure that your business conduct is tuned in to that of your business partners but most especially to the potential ones. This doesnt apply to your German counterparts but to every country in the world. It could take some practice to get accustomed to what Germans are used to but its worth the effort. Your German business counterparts will even appreciate you more for going the extra mile of blending in together with them. It could start a beautiful partnership with them as well.
You can start working on your greetings. When you are up for a meeting with business guests for the first time, already make a positive impression....