Speed Dating is for you if you are the type of single who would like more than one date, and then have the choice of who you would like to meet again. Date up to twenty enthusiastic singles in one evening of whirlwind dating.
Originating in the USA its gathering momentum, and has got the attention of Canadian and UK singles as well. You will find regular Speed Dating events in most major cities up and down these countries, and most singles usually go back for more. As with all dating nothing has a one hundred percent strike rate but you have the night out, and the enjoyment factor. Where else can you meet twenty excited, eligible singles that are looking for a night of fun that can turn into romance.
Generally at an event tables are set out for the dates then everyone will sit down for their first date. After the dates have finished the gentlemen will usually move around the tables while the women stay seated. Singles are given cards at the start of the event to mark off the singles they would like to see again. After the event they will go home and login to the events organisers web site the next day to see who they have matched with. If the single has more than...