There is a lot to be said of the effects that spiders have on humans. There’s the psychological aspect, which often instills terror. After all, these beautiful creatures tend to be utterly alien in appearance to most humans, with their eight legs, arachnid body structures, and strange forms. Spider venom is also something that causes intense reactions, even though most spider species don’t have venom that is potent enough to kill a human being. Sure, their venom is often very similar to nerve toxin, but only rarely will they be concentrated enough to be lethal to a human. However, if recent research and speculation is to be believed, spiders may soon become also find connections to human sexual health.
It is no secret that the Brazilian wandering spider, perhaps the most venomous spider in the world, has bitten humans before. It was noted that male victims often suffered various side effects to the neurotoxin-like venom. Among the more notable side effects included uncontrollable and highly uncomfortable erections, though these eventually led to impotence if the venom wasn’t countered quickly enough. However, this side effect has prompted some...