We all know that we need to exercise (for our health) but hitting the gym first thing in the a.m. or right after work can be anything BUT fun. Still experts suggest that staying fit (and trim) CAN be fun, by simply finding the right routine (and activity) for you.
1. Hoofing It: Walking and/or running are two of the most popular activities for all ages, especially since walking is something most of us “have” to do, and since neither requires any special equipment. And they add that walking is an excellent activity for fitness “fanatics” of all ages, even those who may have cardiac conditions or other “inhibitory” ailments. Plus you can do it indoors, outdoors, or on a treadmill, the important thing is that you keep moving. Running will burn twice the amount of calories as walking but is also harder on your heart, joints and muscles. And for those already off to a running start, make sure you invest in the best shoes you can afford and that your shoe is comfortable and properly fits.
2. Stroke Your Ego: Doing the stroke or swimming is one of the best exercises for the entire body building not only muscle but physical endurance as...