The history of steroids in sports is very old. The athletes and sports persons were using foods and potions to enhance their power, performance, and stamina in ancient times. It is said that Greek wrestlers used to eat huge quantities of meat to build their muscle, and Norse warriors (The Berserkers) used to eat hallucinogenic mushrooms to gear themselves up for battle.
The swimmers in Amsterdam in the 1860s were the first competitive athletes who are believed to be charged with doping i.e. taking drugs and other nonfood substances to improve performance. Later, the practice of doping using strychnine, caffeine, cocaine and heroin spread to other sports.
The history of steroids use by athletes is believed to have begun in the early half of 20th century. Testosterone or anabolic steroids were first synthesized in the 1930’s. Anabolic steroids were introduced into the sporting arena in the 1940’s and 1950’s. The Russian weight lifting team walked off with a pile of medals at the 1952 Olympics created first history of steroids in sports.
Developing “Methandrostenolone” or Dianabol with the help of Ciba pharmaceutical company,...