Spyware The Enemy To You And Your Computer

| Total Words: 828

There is a good chance that if you are actively online with your computer system that in some way spyware will get installed. All it takes is just clicking on the wrong site or by signing up for some web programs. Pretty much everyday there is a new form of spyware that has been created by someone or some company that is seeking information. Also with the easy availability of high speed internet services it has made the spread of spyware even faster and easier.

Spyware was originally designed to monitor and transmit back information to its home or creator without the users knowledge sometimes. This data would used to send back advertising ads usually popup to your computer. Over time spyware has changed and grown and now it has four biggest types of malicious software and threat to computers worldwide along with viruses, Trojans and worms.

So what are the major dangers with spyware running in the back ground on your computer system?
To start spyware can cripple your computer and slow your computer to a crawl this is due to the way installs itself and configured to start whenever you boot up your computer system and runs all the time. The spyware steals both...

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