For thousands of years, people have enjoyed the health benefits taken from a wide variety of medicinal plants. Garlic, ginger, and willow bark are just a few of the natural remedies that have been used by people all around the world in an effort to fight off illness and preserve health. Like our ancestors, we too can find remedies within our natural surroundings. Herbs offer solutions to some of modern society’s most pressing problems, which includes quitting smoking. Being aware of the dangers of smoking is an effective way to motivate a smoker to drop this habit. The first danger of cigarettes is nicotine addiction. Many harmful elements are contained within a single cigarette stick, and the most damaging of these is nicotine. When an individual smokes frequently, his body develops a dependency to the said substance, which becomes harder to break over time. This primary effect of smoking in turn paves the way for other dangers to occur. Once a person becomes addicted to cigarettes, he will be at risk of acquiring numerous short- and long-term health problems such as emphysema and bronchitis.
Aside from the said ailments, other equally foreboding dangers of...