Every year the North Central Association evaluates Several St. Louis Schools seeking accreditation. The goal for the organization is to assist St. Louis Public Schools in developing and demonstrating effective curriculums. The process also keeps transient students in the St. Louis Schools up to date with their work. Family relocation is the most common cause of drastically falling grades in the St. Louis Schools. Accredited schools are better able to tackle this problem because they all share a consistent curriculum. So when children move from one school to another, they havent lost as much ground.
How important is accreditation to the St. Louis Public Schools? Is it a valid mark of achievement, or just a political rating? While people argue both sides, the truth is that we need consistency in the St. Louis Schools and public education overall. OK- some schools that are improving will complain that they didnt have enough time, money, or something else. And that may be true. But filtering struggling and failing schools out of the St. Louis Schools is the only way to improve the district.
A uniform curriculum has benefits to almost everyone in the system. Students...