Standardized Final Exams For Arizona Schools Better For The Students Or Just Another Measurement For The State?
There is currently a bill in the Arizona state legislature, proposing that the state create standardized final exams for specific core high school courses within the Arizona schools. The bill was introduced by the Senate Education Committee Chairman and has the support of many key educational figures.
Arizona schools chief Tom Horne supports the bill, as does several educational researchers. Paul Koehler, director of WestEd (a nonprofit research agency) also lends support, stating that state standardized final exams gives the state and Arizona schools a broader and more logical profile of Arizona schools students performance.
Along with high school core courses, art and music also would receive the Arizona schools standardized final exams; and grades three, six and seven would receive state-designed final exams in social studies.
Each district within the Arizona schools could choose to administer only the state final exams or in addition to their own exams.
The idea of standardized end-of-course exams comes from the Advanced...