Jewelry making is an ideal way to start earning a little extra money from home. You dont need to spend a lot to get going. Initially your circle of friends will be your customers. Your friends will tell their friends, who will tell their friends, and so on and so on.
Though you may start with a kit or two for the learning experience, you cant rely on kits if you want to make money selling your work. People will pay more for one-of-a-kind pieces. Plus, the mark-up on kits is quite high because another artist has done the design work for you. In other words, you can both charge more and keep your costs lower if you design your work yourself. This is how to maximize your profit.
A good place to start is by flipping through magazines and catalogues. Clip jewelry photos that appeal to you, along with price information if available. Get a notebook and fill it with the pictures.
Youre not going to copy them. This is just to give you ideas and get your creative juices flowing. The pictures will also come in handy when you cant quite figure out how to do something you have in mind kind of like your own illustrated how-to book.
There are two easy to learn ...