Theres still time to build that retirement nest egg.
History has shown us one of the most amazing financial shifts ever, as weve gone from being a nation of savers to a nation of investors. Even somewhat more amazing is that it has happened in less than a generation’s time. The Baby Boomers are coming!
Welcome to chronologically speaking, middle age or as I like to call it: The AARP Generation.
With retirement just around the corner and old age looming in the suddenly not-so-distant future for those of us in the baby boomer generation, financial concerns have become critically important. Just where do we find the extra income or the how to generate that extra income for those maybe not so golden years?
In the past we might have skipped the newspapers financial pages to read the sports section or worked on the crossword puzzle. Now we find the earnings reports and mutual fund listings endlessly fascinating weather online or reading the paper.
The challenge facing many of us, even if we arent baby boomers, is how to finance our busy lives while trying to save for our retirement years or maybe other unforeseen expenses. Let’s face it...