Start Your Journey To Good Credit With A Master Card Credit Application
The time is 2:00 AM. The place is that lonely little alley leading to the nearest convenience store. The person standing in front of you is brandishing a gun in your face. “Gimme your money,” the gunman demands. You frantically search your wallet and pocket for some cash to give to the gloved man. After a few minutes, it becomes apparent to the gunman and you that you don’t have any. Your fists close in on the one thing you always bring with you: your Master Card.
With a sick feeling at the pit of your stomach, you give the gunman a weak grin and offer him your plastic. “Credit is as good as cash,” you whisper, hoping against all hope that the gunman has a sense of humor.
Yes, credit is as good, if not better, than cash. This is why in today’s world, a Master Card can be better than a sack full of money, and why filling out a Master Card credit application is worth its weight in gold.
Dollar Bills and Billing Statements
In theory, one could buy a car or house in cash or with a check. But with the cost of living increasing each year, most...