A spiritual path is easy to miss because it is subtle. It is a path to your higher consciousness with fuller awareness. Upon entering the spiritual path, you will begin to change your perceptions and see new interpretations of reality. You will learn to heal yourself from the conditioning of childhood, societal mores and traditional thinking. You move from being unaware to becoming an empowered, conscious, loving, holistic, and fully functioning person. You will start to understand the mysteries of life.
As your awareness expands, you will realize there is only one of you. Who you are expands to include all the parts of your life. Knowing and feeling connected to this full-self unfolds in stages, as there are degrees of truth along the way to full truth. It is a continual process of exploring yourself and others, participating in relationships and groups, and learning from experiences of your inner-self.
How do you start your spiritual journey?
Often it begins with a personal crisis that starts an inner desire to look beneath the surface of what is happening to find richer meaning and purpose.
These questions could include such things as.