Which way to go? What to read? In today’s world each and every topic needs some research. We need to have good information and perfect facts about every hard and soft news floated. By static authority sites we mean the sites in which the information always remain static and never change. We can compare a static authority site to a news paper. Like once news printed cannot be changed, information in a static authority website once published can never be changed till next edition just like a newspaper and book.
On the other hand when we talk about dynamic authority sites we talk of those websites which are free and have a free flow of information. The dynamic authority websites use programming in addition to the layout to not only allow the flow of data in and out but to make a very meaningful and fruitful relation with the data. An online business directory allows all types of businessmen to open up their profiles and allow them to sign up. Individual can make their own profiles and carry on business through web. Visitors to the site may sign in to the website and search for all the information they need.
The dynamic authority websites empower individuals...