Start small work your way up. Take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves. Climb the ladder one rung at a time. Get your foot in the door and the rest will follow. Well worn platitudes all. But what does it have to do with writing?
Many writers think that the secret to getting published by a major house is working their way up. Write a book, get it published by a vanity/utility publisher and thats the first rung on the ladder to success. But is it? Do these books count for anything other than massaging the ego of the writer that they are indeed now published?
No. The publishing industry doesnt consider a vanity book as a writing credit because it hasnt been vetted. No one has determined that the book is well written or has market value. Quite a few agents and publishers look down on a writer that includes a vanity book in their resume as being unprofessional and nave. Some even consider it a disadvantage because they assume the writer couldnt get the book published or they would have. A vanity book indicates to them poor writing.
What about the motivation that is sparked by holding your very own book in your very own...