Your baby needs mental stimulation. Youve heard about this even before your kid was born. And youre probably one of those who made their baby listen to classical music even before she was born because according to studies this is helpful in stimulating a babys mind mind.
But stimulating your babys mind is not only about making her listen to classical music. There are a variety of effective ways you can do to ensure that she is properly stimulated and nourished.
-> Communicate with your baby. Sure she is not yet equipped with the vocabulary to enable her to respond to you in full sentence but it does not mean that talking to her is futile. Talk to her while you dress her, bathe her or feed her. This will encourage interaction and she will soon respond with a coo, smile or a few syllables.
-> Engage her in activities that will stimulate her mind. Allow your baby to explore her surroundings by showing her around the house, taking her for a stroll at the park or letting her play with safe household items like cups and pails. Just be sure that she doesnt play with unsafe objects or put anything in her mouth.
-> Give her mind stimulating toys like building...