Stop All That Credit Card Spending And Start Using Debt Management
Reducing your credit card debt is not easy, and requires planning and discipline. We all know that it is much easier to pull out that plastic than to pay cash for something. Credit card balances therefore escalate quickly since it doesn’t even feel like we are spending. The high interest rates on credit cards just make the balances go up even faster.
The answer to reducing credit card debt is to reduce credit card spending. But this is easier said than done. If you have the credit card in your pocket, you will be tempted to use it. The best solution is simply to destroy all of your credit cards except one. You save that one for use in case of emergencies. Cut up all the credit cards except the one with the lowest interest rate.
Another solution would be to take advantage of a zero percent credit card offer to do a balance transfer of all of your credit card debt. These offers come in the mail from time to time, so watch for them. The advantage of this is that 100% of your payments are reducing your debt, not paying interest. The zero percent will only apply during the...