Many of us a knockings from creditors and think its high time we knocked down the debts. We are accountable to the creditor who gave us credit believing that we will pay the debt on time.
Due to some conditions we find ourselves behind the bill. And wake when the creditor or some collection agency reports us. We could have written the creditor about reduction of debt or an extension of payment period, well before.
Its not good to remain like a nice guy, and not responding to your creditor. It may happen your creditor will hand you over to the collection agencies (the hounds). At the extreme conditions you creditor may break some laws to track you down. Besides, you might be written off by banks and other financial institutions. The same thing will happen if you declare yourself bankrupt.
So, before the opportunity slips away from your hand and affects you life seriously. Put a stop. Research ways to pay off all the dues. You will find many ways. On the finance front there are debt settlement, debt consolidation agencies who will guide you how to procure loan for that purpose. There is always a way to pay back by debt settlement.
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